Canelana Ambassadør Ulldekken Hund

Canelana Ambassadør Ulldekken Hund

AMBASSADØR ulldekken representerer alt Canelana står for, derav navnet. Det er laget i ren, tykk merinoull, det samme ullstoffet som jakkene til folk (Multi og Grimsbu). Dekkenet er varmt, behagelig og funksjonelt. Det er verken vann- eller vindtett, men det er godt og varmt. I tillegg er det mykt, så hundene har god bevegelighet i dette dekkenet. Deilig for hunden å ha på i bilen når det er kaldt. Fint å ha på før og etter trening, før og etter tur. Ull varmer selv om den er våt. Ull er ikke statisk og lukt setter seg ikke i ulldekken slik som i syntetiske dekken.

Canelana Ulldekken Ambassadør har samme smarte passform som de andre Canelana-dekkenene Thermo, Lana, Frost og Aurora, og det sitter som støpt. I front er det ribbestrikket for bedre fleksibilitet ved av- og påkledning. Det er justerbar stropp rundt magen og stramming både i halsen, og bak for best mulig passform for din hund.

Terriermodellen har åpning bak til haler som står rett opp. Dette finnes i str 2XS,XS, S, S/M og M.
Finnes også i modell tilpasset dachs og andre kortbente raser – 6 størrelser med rygglengde 30, 33, 36, 40, 45 og 50 cm.

Dette produktet er for tiden utsolgt og utilgjengelig.

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Canelana Ambassadør Ulldekken Hund

Om ulls fantastiske egenskaper, vask og renhold av ulldekken:

  • Ull er selvrensende;  ull inneholder lanolin, som er et voksaktig fettstoff
  • Ull kan ta opp omtrent 1/3 av sin egen masse i form av vanndamp uten at den kjennes fuktig
  • Ull er biologisk nedbrytbar og bærekraftig

I mange tilfeller kan det være nok å riste og lufte i frisk luft over et par timer, ull er bakteriehemmende og skitt trekker seg oftest ikke inn i ullfibrene, men legger seg utenpå. Hvis du vil vaske, anbefaler vi maskinvask ullprogram 30 grader, og ullvaskemiddel. Maskinprogrammene er ofte mer skånsomme enn håndvask da temperaturen er nøyaktig regulert. Dessuten skyller maskinvask ut skyllevannet med rester av såpe og skitt, og sentrifugering gjør at ullstoffet tørkes fortere. Vått ullstoff kan gi gode forhold for bakterievekst gjennom restvannet, selv om ull er bakteriehemmende.

Hvorfor ulldekken?
Canelana ulldekken hund har tre fantastiske egenskaper: Den varmer, isolerer og puster. Å holde hundens muskler varme både før og etter tur og trening kan virke skadeforebyggende og vil hjelpe hunden med å restituere raskere.  Hundens kropp trenger dermed ikke bruke unødig energi på å holde kroppstemperaturen oppe.

Bruk av ulldekken er ypperlig mellom slipp på jaktprøver! Ulldekken kan være nyttig for alle hunder uansett rase. Spesielt eldre hunder, hunder med skader eller artroser vil ofte ha dårligere sirkulasjon og dermed fryse lettere. Ingen liker å fryse! Ull bør være førstevalget for enhver hund på kalde og fuktige dager! Stikk gjerne hånda under dekkenet for å kjenne om hunden er kald eller varm.

Bildet under er en hund med AMBASSADØR ulldekken på, det er tatt med FLIR termografikamera. (Det viser – beviser – at hunden ikke har varmetap der den har dekken på seg.)
Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken








Mål hunden mellom strekene i illustrasjonen

* Rygglengde mål oppgitt for størrelsene er  mellom strekene i illustrasjonen nedenfor og det er der du skal måle hunden.

Dekkenet er målt fra strammingen i halsen til midt på innsnittet bak (eller til innsvinget for halen på terrier-modellen). Strammingen i halsen kommer omtrent mellom skulderbladene på hunden, litt foran hvis du strammer opp dekkenet i halsen, og halerot bør være omtrent midt på innsnittet for at det skal være langt nok til å legge seg ned over hoftene. Mål derfor hunden mellom strekene i illustrasjonen ovenfor.

NB – Ambassadør, Lana, Aurora, Frost og Thermo er klippet etter samme mål. Thermo virker trangere og litt mindre enn Ambassadør og de andre i samme størrelse fordi det fyller mer med softshell utenpå og tykk ull inni. Det er derfor mulig at hunden bør ha en størrelse mindre i Ambassadør og f.eks. Lana enn den har i Thermo.

Slik tar du på dekkenet: 1) tre over hodet, 2) stram passelig i halsen, 3) fest delen som går ned under brystet og over ryggen, 4) fest delen som går mellom forbeina og juster eventuelt strikken, 5) stram bak slik at dekkenet legger seg ned over lår og bakpart.

Test fra

Størrelsesguide Canelana dekken
Størrelse – Rygglengde cm

(NB! Målene oppgitt i tabell er målt fra nakke til midt på innsnittet bak, det vil derfor være 5-10cm lenger enn oppgitt)

5xs – 20 cm
4xs – 22,5 cm
3xs – 25 cm
2xs – 27 cm
XS – 31 cm
S – 35 cm
S/M – 40 cm
M – 45 cm
M/L – 48 cm
M/L 53cm – 53 cm
L – 58 cm
XL – 64 cm
XL 69cm – 69 cm
2XL – 73 cm
2XL 85cm – 85 cm
3XS terrier – 25 cm
2XS terrier – 27 cm
XS terrier – 31 cm
S terrier – 35 cm
S/M terrier – 40 cm
M terrier – 45 cm
Dachs 30cm – 30 cm
Dachs 33cm – 33 cm
Dachs 36cm – 36 cm
Dachs 40cm – 40 cm
Dachs 45cm – 45 cm
Dachs 50cm – 50 cm


Canelana Ambassador Wool Coat Review

Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

About Canelana

Canelana has a wide range of products from (human) training vests, mittens, wool sweaters, and jackets to wool dog coats, beds, and mattresses. All of the products we received were very well-made, high-quality and their customer support also made working with them a great experience!

Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

The details of the Canelana Ambassador Wool Coat

The Ambassador Wool coat is made of thick, organic merino wool. While wool is neither wind nor waterproof, it keeps the dog warm and cozy even if it gets wet due to the tiny air pockets that create a thermal barrier. Besides, wool has excellent breathability that helps regulate body temperature. It’s also non-static, which is excellent because that tends to be an issue for us when taking the coat off on the dry winter days.

The coat has two elastic loops that keep the coat in place and multiple adjustment points for the ideal fit.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenCanelana Ambassadør ulldekken

The edges of the coat are reinforced for durability, but otherwise, this coat is wool inside-out!Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

There is a large velcro panel to fix the exceptionally wide belly band quickly. The two vertical velcro panels give you some room to adjust how tight this band should wrap around the dog.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Canelana Ambassador Wool Coat Review

This coat was designed to keep the dog warm while waiting between training sessions. This is especially important if you do a sport with short, but high-intensity runs, so your dog has to quickly switch between sleeping in the car for an hour and running around. Keeping the muscles and joints warm can help prevent injuries, although it doesn’t replace the need to stretch and warm up the dog.

We would have skipped many training opportunities over this frigid season if not for having this coat. Mia tends to get cold if she has to wait in the car, and this thick coat kept her warm during many freezing nighttime trainings. When removing the coat to get her out of the car, I usually check how warm she is under it. She was nice and cozy with this wool coat all around – even her back, which sometimes doesn’t warm up much while wearing a coat.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

The shape of this coat is very impressive as well. The coats we tested so far either had one section of the neck part that you pull back between the front legs and then fix it with around the chest, OR had a longer piece on one side that you pull under the chest and fix it with a buckle or velcro on the other side. This coat has BOTH! This way, it provides protection on the chest and between the legs and has a wide belly strap that almost goes all the way around on Mia.

The photo below shows the coat “from below”:Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken
This design creates a double layer of insulation around the dog’s chest, where they usually lose most of the heat.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenThis above-mentioned belly band has a large velcro panel, so it’s super easy to attach. The elastic loop and buckle from the chest piece will still go over this section, so it stays in place nicely even when you already had some dog hair getting stuck in it.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

There is another elastic strap that is meant to hold the back of the coat down. On Mia, this wasn’t holding much even when fastened as much as possible because she has a skinny waist, so the loop was still loose. It probably still helps to stabilize it when the dog runs around. It also prevents the wind from flipping up the back – but again, this isn’t meant to be used in freezing wind anyways. I usually just ended up not using that strap to make it easier to take it off when I get her out from the car.

(The elastic strap with the buckle is the one front of her back legs)Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenOne of my favorite thing about the Canelana coats is the elastic loop at the back that lets you tighten the material around the hips. With this, you can make it fit like a glove and keep the cold wind away from the hip area.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenAnother cool feature of wool coats is that odors don’t seem to stick to them as much. Since we used it between trainings, sometimes Mia was wet when putting on the coat, and after using it many times, it still doesn’t smell at all. When it’s time to clean the coat, you can put it in the washing machine but use only a wool program and wool detergent!Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenWhile wool actually insulates better when wet, we still wouldn’t recommend it for hiking/rainy walks because mud and dirt would have an easy time sticking to it. This is just an aesthetic issue, but this is not a material that you have an easy time brushing clean later. Getting caught on something in the woods could also be a concern, although we haven’t tested how durable it is to withstand dense bushes. We did leave it on Mia when we stopped for a quick walk in dry weather or on snow well below freezing point, but this coat wouldn’t be my first pick on muddy days.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekkenWhile the coat is soft, it can be a little weird for the dog to have that thick layer on them for the first time. Mia is used to wearing different coats, but she still needed a little time to get used to this coat and move the same way as she would without wearing it.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Sizing Tips

As a sizing reference, Mia’s coat is M/L, recommended for back lengths of 48 cm measured by Canelana’s guide. As a note to help you pick the right size: in this case, 48 cm is not the full length of the coat – it is from the closing around the neck to THE MIDDLE of the incision back. The end of the coat is 10 cm longer, so do measure the back lengths based on their graphics! Mia’s back is around 55-56 cm, so I almost went with the bigger size. Luckily the Canelana Team helped me out with sizing, and the coat fits Mia perfectly!

Another note on sizing: since it has a broad belly band, if your MALE dog is between sizes, you might want to consider going with the smaller size to make sure it fits well all around 😉 For females, it’s better to be a little too long than too short.

Checking Dog Coats with a Thermal Camera

We wrote an article checking 12 coats (including this one) with a thermal camera to see the insulation capabilities of different materials and coat designs. If you want to learn more about our findings, click here to read the article!Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Thoughts on Wool

Since we started testing Canelana’s products, I also spent some time looking into the advantages and concerns around using wool to get the full picture.⁠ ⁠ I believe that wool is an excellent material to move towards in the clothing industry since it is renewable and biodegradable. Our society creates an incredible amount of waste by using synthetic materials, so I believe cutting that wherever we can is a great idea.⁠ ⁠ When buying wool products, the biggest concern is how the wool is sourced and how the animals were kept and treated. Canelana produces all its products in Poland, and the wool is bought from various sources: mainly from Germany, Poland, and Estonia. Their supplier also indirectly buys New Zealand and South American wool from a German broker. All of these countries are EU members and under EU laws and regulations for all aspects of production, including animal welfare.⁠ As a note to address the primary concern of most, as far as I know, Australia is the only country where mulesing is used, and Canelana does not use wool from a source where this is accepted. ⁠ ⁠ I know animal farms’ reality is still far from a happy sheep’s ideal life, and I will not pretend that this isn’t a problem. On the other hand, using synthetic materials and contributing to the microplastic pollution isn’t ideal either.⁠ While we could debate this much longer, I just wanted to point out that making environmentally friendly and ethical buying decisions is never as easy as one would think before looking into all aspects of a product.

We just want to give you as much information on Canelana’s products as we can, so you can make an informed decision based on all the facts on hand.

Here is some additional information about the dyeing process from Canelana’s supplier:

“We buy wool after washing or sweating, which we further wash and dye in the process. The company that performs these services has certificates and also uses appropriate agents and dyes that are friendly to the environment and to humans because of the direct contact of woolen products with human skin, but also in contact with animals. Production takes place at two carding departments where the woolen tape is prepared and knitting where the material is produced. These processes are mechanical, and no chemicals are used. Only the stabilization process in the final stage requires gluing the fabric “stiffening” with textile glue. The dyeing process is absolutely non-toxic, and the dyes used by the service provider do not contain harmful substances.”

Review Summary

We were very impressed with this coat’s quality, and as I mentioned already, it saved many of our training sessions. This is a coat for a particular use case, so if you are looking for a versatile coat that would be ideal for hiking and as a raincoat as well, this might not be your top choice. At the same time, if your dog needs to wait in the cold regularly, we recommend investing in this coat for the colder months so they can comfortably wait for their turn on trainings or competitions.

If you like the design, but this coat isn’t exactly what you are looking for, Canelana has two other versions of the exact same design. The Lana Wool Coat is made from a thinner layer of wool, while the Thermo Coat has the same thick wool under a soft-shell outer layer to make it wind and waterproof for outdoor adventures.Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Mia’s measurements

Many of you asked Mia’s measurements to understand the different products’ fit better. Your best chance of finding an excellent fitting gear is always to measure (and remeasure) your dog. Even we grab the measuring tape before getting a new product – even though we tested a lot of them and have a good feeling of her size by now.

I share her measurements below, but don’t go ahead and order the same size just because your dog is similar to Mia 😉

• Shoulder height: 19.5 inches (50 cm)

• Weight: 37-44 pounds (17-20 kg)

• Widest chest circumference (where the most harness would have the chest strap): 25-26 inches (63-65 cm)

• Neck circumference for collars: 15-16 inches (38-40 cm)

• Back lengths: 22 inches (56 cm)

Canelana Ambassadør ulldekken

Vi anbefaler også Canelana burmadrass, Canelana hundeførerjakke og Canelana treningsvest



2xl 73cm, 2xl 85cm, 2xs terrier, 3xs terrier, Dachs 30cm, Dachs 33cm, Dachs 36cm, Dachs 40cm, Dachs 45cm, Dachs 50cm, M terrier, M/L 48 cm, M/L 53 cm, S terrier, S-M terrier, XL 64cm, XL 69cm, Xs terrier, 2xs, 3xs, 4xs, 5xs, Small-Medium, Xsmall, Medium, Small, Medium/large, Large

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